Module timers

This module implements a timer dispatcher and a ticker dispatcher. A timer delays an operation after some milliseconds. A ticker delays an operation to the next iteration.

newTimer() -> SetTimeout() -> clearTimeout()
-> ...

setTimeout() -> clearTimeout()


TimerEntity = object
  delay: int
  finishAt: float
  callback: proc () {.
closure, gcsafe
.} joined: bool
Timer object.   Source Edit
Timer = distinct ref DoublyLinkedNodeObj[TimerEntity]
Timer object.   Source Edit
TimerQueue = ref object
  handle: uv.Timer
  entities: DoublyLinkedList[TimerEntity]
  delay: int
  length: int
  running: bool
  closed: bool
Timer queue for one delay.   Source Edit
TimerDispatcher = ref object
  timers: Table[int, TimerQueue]
  Source Edit
TickerDispatcher = ref object
  handle: Idle
  running: bool
  callbacks: seq[proc ()]
  Source Edit


proc newTimerDispatcher(): TimerDispatcher {.
raises: [], tags: []
Creates a new dispatcher for timeout tasks.   Source Edit
proc getGTimerDispatcher(): TimerDispatcher {.
raises: [], tags: []
Returns the global dispatcher of timeout tasks.   Source Edit
proc newTimer(): Timer {.
raises: [], tags: []
Creates a new timer.   Source Edit
proc setTimeout(T: Timer; delay: int; cb: proc () {.
closure, gcsafe
.}) {.
raises: [KeyError, Exception], tags: [TimeEffect, RootEffect]
Sets a new timeout task. cb will be executed after delay milliseconds.   Source Edit
proc setTimeout(delay: int; cb: proc () {.
closure, gcsafe
.}): Timer {.
discardable, raises: [KeyError, Exception], tags: [TimeEffect, RootEffect]
  Source Edit
proc clearTimeout(T: Timer) {.
raises: [KeyError], tags: []
Clears T from timeout queue before excution.   Source Edit
proc newTickerDispatcher(): TickerDispatcher {.
raises: [], tags: []
Creates new dispatcher for tickers.   Source Edit
proc getGTickerDispatcher(): TickerDispatcher {.
raises: [], tags: []
  Source Edit
proc callNext(cb: proc ()) {.
gcsafe, raises: [Exception], tags: [RootEffect]
cb will be deferred to the next iteration to excute.   Source Edit