Module uv_check

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Check handles will run the given callback once per loop iteration, right after polling for i/o.

Check handle <libuv 1.10.3-dev API documentation>

See also The Handle API functions also apply.


Check = object
  loop* {.
importc: "loop"
.}: ptr Loop ## Pointer to the ``Loop`` where the handle is running on. Readonly. typ* {.
importc: "type"
.}: HandleType ## The ``HandleType``. Readonly. data* {.
importc: "data"
.}: pointer ## Space for user-defined arbitrary data. libuv does not use this field.
Check handle type.   Source Edit
CheckCb = proc (handle: ptr Check) {.
Type definition for callback passed to start().   Source Edit


proc init(loop: ptr Loop; handle: ptr Check): cint {.
importc: "uv_check_init", header: "uv.h"
Initialize the handle.   Source Edit
proc start(handle: ptr Check; cb: CheckCb): cint {.
importc: "uv_check_start", header: "uv.h"
Start the handle with the given callback.   Source Edit
proc stop(handle: ptr Check): cint {.
importc: "uv_check_stop", header: "uv.h"
Stop the handle, the callback will no longer be called.   Source Edit