Module uv_process

Process handles will spawn a new process and allow the user to control it and establish communication channels with it using streams.

Process handle <libuv 1.10.3-dev API documentation>

See also The Handle API functions also apply.


Uid = int
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Gid = int
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Process = object
  loop* {.
importc: "loop"
.}: ptr Loop ## Pointer to the ``Loop`` where the handle is running on. Readonly. typ* {.
importc: "type"
.}: HandleType ## The ``HandleType``. Readonly. data* {.
importc: "data"
.}: pointer ## Space for user-defined arbitrary data. libuv does not use this field. pid* {.
importc: "pid"
.}: cint ## The PID of the spawned process. It’s set after calling ``spawn()``.
Process handle type.   Source Edit
ProcessFlag = enum
  prcSetUid = 1 shl 0,            ## Set the child process' user id.
  prcSetGid = 1 shl 1,            ## Set the child process' group id.
  prcWindowsVerbatimArguments = 1 shl 2, ## Do not wrap any arguments in quotes, or perform any other escaping, when converting the argument list into 
                                    ## a command line string. This option is only meaningful on Windows systems. On Unix it is silently ignored.
  prcDetached = 1 shl 3, ## Spawn the child process in a detached state - this will make it a process group leader, 
                    ## and will effectively enable the child to keep running after the parent exits. Note that the child process 
                    ## will still keep the parent's event loop alive unless the parent process calls uv_unref() on the child's 
                    ## process handle.
  prcWindowsHide = 1 shl 4 ## Hide the subprocess console window that would normally be created. This option is only meaningful on Windows 
                      ## systems. On Unix it is silently ignored.
Flags to be set on the flags field of ProcessOptions.   Source Edit
ProcessOptions = object
  exitCb* {.
importc: "exit_cb"
.}: ExitCb ## Callback called after the process exits. file* {.
importc: "file"
.}: cstring ## Path pointing to the program to be executed. args* {.
importc: "args"
.}: cstringArray ## Command line arguments. args[0] should be the path to the program. On Windows this uses CreateProcess which ## concatenates the arguments into a string this can cause some strange errors. env* {.
importc: "env"
.}: cstringArray ## Environment for the new process. If nil the parents environment is used. cwd* {.
importc: "cwd"
.}: cstring ## Current working directory for the subprocess. flags* {.
importc: "flags"
.}: cuint ## Various flags that control how ``spawn()`` behaves. stdioCount* {.
importc: "stdio_count"
.}: cint ## stdio* {.
importc: "stdio"
.}: ptr StdioContainer ## The stdio field points to an array of StdioContainer structs that describe the file descriptors that ## will be made available to the child process. The convention is that stdio[0] points to stdin, fd 1 ## is used for stdout, and fd 2 is stderr. ## ## Note: On Windows file descriptors greater than 2 are available to the child process only if ## the child processes uses the MSVCRT runtime. uid* {.
importc: "uid"
.}: Uid gid* {.
importc: "gid"
.}: Gid ## Libuv can change the child process’ user/group id. This happens only when the appropriate bits are set ## in the flags fields. ## Note: This is not supported on Windows, ``spawn()`` will fail and set the error to ENOTSUP.
Options for spawning the process (passed to spawn()).   Source Edit
StdioFlag = enum
  stdioIgnore = 0x00000000, stdioCreatePipe = 0x00000001, stdioInheritFd = 0x00000002,
  stdioInheritStream = 0x00000004, stdioReadablePipe = 0x00000010,
  stdioWriteablePipe = 0x00000020

Flags specifying how a stdio should be transmitted to the child process.

When stdioCreatePipe is specified, stdioReadablePipe and stdioWriteablePipe determine the direction of flow, from the child process' perspective. Both flags may be specified to create a duplex data stream.

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StdioContainerData = object
  stream*: ptr Stream
  fd*: cint
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StdioContainer = object
  flags* {.
importc: "flags"
.}: cuint ## Flags specifying how the stdio container should be passed to the child. data* {.
importc: "data"
.}: StdioContainerData ## Union containing either the stream or fd to be passed on to the child process.
Container for each stdio handle or fd passed to a child proces   Source Edit
ExitCb = proc (handle: ptr Process; exitCode: int64; signal: cint) {.
Type definition for callback passed to start().   Source Edit


proc disableStdioInheritance() {.
importc: "uv_disable_stdio_inheritance", header: "uv.h"

Disables inheritance for file descriptors / handles that this process inherited from its parent. The effect is that child processes spawned by this process don’t accidentally inherit these handles.

It is recommended to call this function as early in your program as possible, before the inherited file descriptors can be closed or duplicated.

Note: This function works on a best-effort basis: there is no guarantee that libuv can discover all file descriptors that were inherited. In general it does a better job on Windows than it does on Unix.

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proc spawn(loop: ptr Loop; handle: ptr Process; options: ptr ProcessOptions): cint {.
importc: "uv_spawn", header: "uv.h"

Initializes the process handle and starts the process. If the process is successfully spawned, this function will return

0. Otherwise, the negative error code corresponding to the reason it couldn’t spawn is returned.

Possible reasons for failing to spawn would include (but not be limited to) the file to execute not existing, not having permissions to use the setuid or setgid specified, or not having enough memory to allocate for the new process.

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proc kill(handle: ptr Process; signum: cint): cint {.
importc: "uv_process_kill", header: "uv.h"
Sends the specified signal to the given process handle. Check the documentation on Signal handle for signal support, specially on Windows.   Source Edit
proc kill(pid: cint; signum: cint): cint {.
importc: "uv_kill", header: "uv.h"
Sends the specified signal to the given PID. Check the documentation on Signal handle for signal support, specially on Windows.   Source Edit