Module uv_signal

Signal handles implement Unix style signal handling on a per-event loop bases.

Reception of some signals is emulated on Windows:

  • SIGINT is normally delivered when the user presses CTRL+C. However, like on Unix, it is not generated when terminal raw mode is enabled.
  • SIGBREAK is delivered when the user pressed CTRL + BREAK.
  • SIGHUP is generated when the user closes the console window. On SIGHUP the program is given approximately 10 seconds to perform cleanup. After that Windows will unconditionally terminate it.
  • SIGWINCH is raised whenever libuv detects that the console has been resized. SIGWINCH is emulated by libuv when the program uses a Tty handle to write to the console. SIGWINCH may not always be delivered in a timely manner; libuv will only detect size changes when the cursor is being moved. When a readable Tty handle is used in raw mode, resizing the console buffer will also trigger a SIGWINCH signal.

Watchers for other signals can be successfully created, but these signals are never received. These signals are: SIGILL, SIGABRT, SIGFPE, SIGSEGV, SIGTERM and SIGKILL.

Calls to raise() or abort() to programmatically raise a signal are not detected by libuv; these will not trigger a signal watcher.

Note On Linux SIGRT0 and SIGRT1 (signals 32 and 33) are used by the NPTL pthreads library to manage threads. Installing watchers for those signals will lead to unpredictable behavior and is strongly discouraged. Future versions of libuv may simply reject them.

Signal handle <libuv 1.10.3-dev API documentation>

See also The Handle API functions also apply.


Signal = object
  loop* {.
importc: "loop"
.}: ptr Loop ## Pointer to the ``Loop`` where the handle is running on. Readonly. typ* {.
importc: "type"
.}: HandleType ## The ``HandleType``. Readonly. data* {.
importc: "data"
.}: pointer ## Space for user-defined arbitrary data. libuv does not use this field. signum* {.
importc: "signum"
.}: cint ## Signal being monitored by this handle. Readonly.
Signal handle type.   Source Edit
SignalCb = proc (handle: ptr Signal; signum: cint) {.
Type definition for callback passed to start().   Source Edit


proc init(loop: ptr Loop; handle: ptr Signal): cint {.
importc: "uv_signal_init", header: "uv.h"
Initialize the handle.   Source Edit
proc start(handle: ptr Signal; cb: SignalCb; signum: cint): cint {.
importc: "uv_signal_start", header: "uv.h"
Start the handle with the given callback, watching for the given signal.   Source Edit
proc stop(handle: ptr Signal): cint {.
importc: "uv_signal_stop", header: "uv.h"
Stop the handle, the callback will no longer be called.   Source Edit